Last night I had a dream that I was attacked by a vicious large black dog. The teeth and the growling was terrifying and real. Like the movie "Cujo," I was trapped in a car watching it's head crashing against the window. A woman outside the car was beating it down away from me. At one point it was down on the ground, and I thought it was over. It leapt up even angrier, charging at my window, which was now rolled down. I pressed back as far as I could, it's face and teeth were inside the car and coming at me quickly. I knew there was no escape. I woke up.
I looked up dream interpretations on the internet, which there are many sites and conflicting information. What I took was that a black dog means a disloyal friend or the shadow side of a friend. The barking was gossip and the biting was fear. Trying to figure out who that could be, and finding no conclusion, I let it drop. It may have been a memory from some other time, something I watched, or just me imagining a fear come to life.
After my typical morning ritual, I went downtown to teach a class. Walking back to my car, thinking about what needs to be done for the rest of the day, I saw a black dog. It's leash was tied to the door of a bagel shop. It was small, probably under 10 pounds. It didn't bark, it just held eye contact with me. As I continued walking, I felt my awareness shift.
I haven't "decided" what all this means. I do feel comforted, that I'm not completely on my own. For now, that may be enough.